Reducing Pollution
As an environmental company in business for 60 years, we have maintained our objective of keeping a safe and healthy environment at the core of what we do. In recognition of the values we uphold, Aeroscopic acknowledges plastic pollution is among the direst environmental challenges of our time. The increasing use of plastic is finding its way into our oceans, creating an immense amount of pollution within our environment. According to National Geographic, an estimated amount of 8 million metric tons of plastic are disposed within our ocean annually. As this rate continues, we face a future with more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. Already, there is more micro-plastic in our oceans than there are stars in the Milky Way. Our continuous use and mismanagement of plastic is affecting marine animals through entanglement, poisoning and chemical contamination to fish consumed. In our efforts to create a healthier tomorrow, Aeroscopic is excited to announce our launch of metallic straws. As a start to eliminate plastic, we urge you to participate in the movement and join us in leaving behind the traditional and hazardous plastic straws and use our metallic straws! Here are a few tips to be plastic free with AEROSCOPIC!

Metallic Straws
Disposable plastic straws are one of the top 10 most common items of trash found in the ocean and on our beaches. Over 500 million plastic straws being used every day in the US alone, by switching to reusable straws we can drastically reduce the amount of disposable straws that are made, used and then thrown away.

Reusable Produce Bags
Plastic bags pollute our land and water, which use non-renewable resources and contribute to climate change. Use a safe and healthy alternative such as reusable produce bags!

Beeswax Wrap
Reusable beeswax includes all-natural elements such as bee’s wax, jojoba oil, tree resin, and organic cotton. Use beeswax wrap to store all your foods in the fridge or on the go!

Reusable Water Bottle
Even though recycling programs exist, 91% of the water bottles we use every year wind up in a landfill. And we use about a million per minute. Grab a cool water bottle you’ll enjoy using and skip the plastic disposable bottles.
Contact Aeroscopic Environmental in Southern California Today
Aeroscopic Environmental is a one stop cleaning, remediation, and restoration company in Southern California. Our professionals are experts and can clean, repair, and fully restore your home or business from water, fire, and or storm damage. Contact Aeroscopic Environmental for a comprehensive solution to your mold removal, fire, and or water damage restoration needs in Los Angeles, CA!